Oxdog Floorball Stick Singapore Shop

Exciting news for all Oxdog floorball stick enthusiasts in Singapore! Our floorball shop has just received a fresh stock of Oxdog floorball sticks. The latest arrivals include the Oxdog Hyperlight HES, Oxdog Ultralight HES and Oxdog Sense HES, which are some of the most highly anticipated models in the market.

These sticks are designed with the latest technology and high-quality materials, making them more durable and comfortable to use. With this new stock, we are confident that we have the perfect fit for all kinds of players, whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out.

However, we encourage you to hurry as the stock is subject to prior sales, and we don’t want you to miss out on the chance to get your hands on these premium sticks. So, drop by our store soon and experience the superior quality of Oxdog floorball sticks for yourself. We look forward to welcoming you and assisting you in choosing the best stick for your needs.